Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 9, 2011

Upcoming Dates
November 7-11 Book Fair
November 9 - Spelling Bee
November 10 - SW and W states test
November 11 - Lesson 5 Vocabulary Test
November 18 - Spelling Test
November 23-25 Thanksgiving Break

Social Studies
We have learned about the Native Americans of Texas which are the Karankawa, Jumano, Comanche, and Caddo.  Each group is located in a specific region of  Texas. We learned this information about each group: type of home, whether they were traders or not, food methods, and government.  We are getting ready to start a project with this in the computer lab.

We have learned about function tables, finding the rule and pattern within a table, and then using it to complete it.  This week we have been interpreting bar graphs and applying our addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills to problem solve using given bar graphs.  We continue to review past skills in our math stations. Please continue to have your child study his/her math facts for 10 minutes every night.

We have studied the genre of nonfiction and compared it to fiction in appearance and word choice. We have learned about the different parts that can be seen in a nonfiction book or article.  Items discussed have been headings, font, backgrounds,  and captions among other aspects.  Ask your child if he/she can tell you about this. We are also reading feature articles to tie into this nonfiction unit.

We have studied feature articles and all of the aspects that make up one, such as the idea that the feature of the article is the main idea and all the details and pictures are only about that one feature. The students have each brainstormed their own jot list of ideas that he/she could write about for his/her own feature article that will be written by the end of this unit.

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